In this episode we meet new and interesting people, and watch them die! Taravangian and Jasnah each have a “moment.” Dalinar finally learns to put his hulking strength to some positive use.
- Renarin is a Spren.
- Each Planet in the Cosmere has one or more gods, like Odium and Honor, bound to them. And they define the planets, it’s people, and powers.
- The “Island” is the Island that is mentioned in Wit’s story to Kaladin…not in the specifics about the murderous king….but that it is the source of the storms.
- The island is where Odium is bound. Meaning Odium is the power that powers most of the society through Soulcasting.
- Tvange will find a way to save millions…when he is in his state of low intelligence and high empathy.
Our next episode will cover chapters 60 through 66 of Oathbringer by Brandon Sanderson.
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